Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Get up and Gose - May 13th, 2016

Slightly Confused Brewing Company

Get up and Gose (Rowdy Reptile Brewing Co)
Batch 62

Third time making this batch (second attempt was 8/24/13)

Wheat malt
Acid Malt
Crushed coriander seed
Total grain bill: 10.25


Lactobacillus (Olympic pack)
Safale US-05 yeast

OG: 1.040 (estimated); ??? (measured)
FG: 1.012 (estimated); *** (measured)
ABV: 6.3% (estimated); *** (measured)
IBU: 77
Color: 7 SRM

Brewing Steps:

  • Heated 3.2 gallons of water to a strike temperature of approximately 163 degrees 
    • Added grains to mash tun
    • Added water to mash tun 
  • Mashed for 60 minutes
  • Lautered
  • Heated about 5 gallons of sparge water to approximately 175 degrees and added to mash tun 
  • Let sit for 5 minutes then lautered into bucket
    • Got clogged; tried swirling mash tun a few times and it didn't unclog
    • Final post-lauter volume only about 4 g, so added 1 additional gallon of water
    • unclear how much water was left in mash tun, but seemed to be at least a gallon if not more
  • Boiled for about 5 minutes
  • Chilled to 100 degrees
  • Put into fermenting bucket with lactobacillus to sit for approximately 24 hours
  • The next night brought to a boil, added hops, salt, and coriander according to schedule over 60'
  • Cooled, added to fermenter; turned temperature to 60 degrees
  • Finished at 1040 pm so was tired and forgot to take the OG
  • Ferment for 14 days

Tried to keg 5/30. Gravity at that time was 1020; floating pieces of grain in the bucket; minimal to no krausen. Not sure what happened, so dumped out.

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