Saturday, February 7, 2015

January 19th, 2015 - Robust Porter

Slightly Confused Brewing Company

 Puma Man Robust Porter (Hoggetowne recipe)
Batch 41

Made on Hain's birthday

UK Pale Malt
Biscuit Malt
Dark Chocolate Malt
UK 120L Crystal Malt
Black Patent Malt
--total grain bill ~11.375#
NOTE: did not re-crush grains after getting from brew store

Northern Brewer Hops
Hallertauer-type Hops

White Labs WLP 001 California Ale

OG: 1.059 (estimated); 1.054 (measured)
FG: 1.013 (estimated); 1.008 (measured)
ABV: 6.1% (estimated); 6% (measured)

Brewing Steps:
  • Heated 3.6 gallons of water to a strike temperature of approximately 165 degrees
    • Target mash temperature 152; volume at 1.25 quarts/pound
    • Used Sparge Pal app for volume calculations
  • Added water to mash tun first (water, then grains)
    • Mashed 60 minutes
    • Stirred twice
  • After 60 minutes lautered into bucket (to measure volume)
    • Lautered over 15 minutes
  • Heated 4.8 gallons of sparge water to approximately 175 degrees and added to mash tun
    • Took 0.3 gallon off Sparge Pal calculation 
  • Let sit for 10 minutes, then lautered until we had about 6.25 gallons
    • Had about 1/4 - 1/2 pitcher left
  • Boiled for 60 minutes
    • Added hops
  • Chilled
  • Pitched yeast and aerated wort 
    • Pitched yeast from starter
  • Poured into fermenting bucket 
  • Ferment about 2 weeks then rack to secondary

-Put into secondary on 2/14/15, gravity 1.016
-Kegged 6/5/15
-Really good

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