Monday, August 4, 2014

Yeast Washing

First Attempt - Saison Yeast from "What the Fox Saison" (brewed 7/4/14; harvested 8/3/14)

Yeast harvested:
-WLP560: AHS Classic Saison Blend (Austin Home Brewing)
-WLP565: Belgian Saison Yeast

-Boiled about 1 gallon (?) of water (large pot)
-Sanitized four mason jars with StarSan
-Cooled water then transferred into mason jars
-After racking from fermenting bucket into keg, poured the four mason jars of water into the fermentation bucket, shook, then let sit 10-15 minutes
-Poured contents of fermentation bucket into 1 gallon carboy (all of it)
-Let carboy sit about 1 hour at room temperature; covered opening
-Poured off top layer into the four mason jars, getting as little trub as possible
-Put jars into fridge

Next day (8/4/14):
-First two jars from pouring look to have about 1/4" - 1/2" layer of yeast on bottom. Still cloudy above yeast layer (more solid to settle out?)
-Third jar has some yeast and some trub; still cloudy above
-Fourth jar has mostly; cloudy above

Day 2 (8/5/14):
-Cleared up more.
-Two of the four jars (first two poured) looked to have best yeast; about 1/2" layer of yeast on bottom.
-Jar 3 had 1/4 - 1/2" layer of yeast but also had some trub throughout.
-Jar 4 had 1/2" of trub on bottom then 1/4" of yeast on top.

Kept only jars 1 and 2. Will use for next saison via starter.
--> plan on harvesting yeast from starter to keep strain/mix going forward.

-Probably best to pour water into fermentation bucket, let sit for 30 minutes, then try to pour off as much liquid and as little trub as possible into carboy
-Maybe use about 3/4 gallon of water to pour into fermentation bucket to help create more distinct layers prior to pouring off liquid into carboy to separate further?
-Only retain first two jars of the 4? Further and better separation in fermentation bucket prior to carboy/mason jars help to increase yield in relation to trub?

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