Sunday, June 8, 2014

Brew Day - June 8, 2014

Slightly Confused Brewing Company

Smoke Bomb (Northern Brewer recipe)
Chipotle Smoke Porter

Briess 2-row
German Munich Malt
Briess Cherrywood Smoked Malt
English Dark Crystal
Fawcett Pale Chocolate
English Black Malt
Breiss Midnight Wheat
--total grain bill 12.75#
Note: added 16 oz dextrose to boil for some added ABV (and to get rid of excess dextrose)

East Kent Goldings
1 oz Chipotle Peppers (to add during secondary)

White Labs WLP001 California Ale (used yeast harvested from Plinian Legacy starter)

OG: 1.066 (estimated original; 1.073 after dextrose administration); 1.067 (measured)
FG: 1.020 (estimated? Not provided); 1.022 (measured when put into secondary)
ABV: 6.6% (estimated? Not provided); 5.9% (measured)

Brewing Steps:
  • Heated 4 gallons of water to a strike temperature of approximately 166 degrees
    • Target mash temperature 154; volume at 1.25 quarts/pound
    • Used Sparge Pal app for volume calculations
  • Added water to mash tun first (water, then grains)
  • After 75 minutes lautered into bucket (to measure volume)
  • Heated 4.8 gallons of sparge water to approximately 175 degrees and added to mash tun
  • Let sit for 10 minutes, then lautered until we had about 6.25 gallons
    • maybe .75 gallons remaining in mash tun - diluted sweet wort?
  • Added hops, but messed up schedule 
    • Added '10 EKG addition at '60
    • Added double the Nugget addition at '5
  • Chilled by putting pot into tub with ice and water (filled about 6-8 inches of tub with water) and wort chiller/pre-chiller to 75 degrees in about 12 minutes
  • Pitched yeast and then aerated wort by transferring between brew pot and bucket 6 times
    • Pitched yeast from starter (yeast from previous starter for Plinian Legacy)
  • Poured into fermenting bucket 
  • Ferment about 2 weeks then rack to secondary
  • Will do 2+ weeks on secondary
    • Will put peppers into muslin bag (2 peppers) and add to secondary for 2 days prior then let sit for 4 days (?) prior to kegging

-Harvested small amount of yeast from starter to save for future batch (same yield as Plinian?)
----worked well
-Put into secondary on 6/22/14
-Plan on using chipotle peppers (1 oz) for about 2 days prior to kegging
--Put 1 oz dried smoked chipotle peppers in on 7/4/14 at 1205
--Kegged on 7/6/14 at 1630 (about 50.5 hours)

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