Thursday, January 2, 2014

Brew Day - January 1st, 2014

Slightly Confused Brewing Company

How Now Brown Cow Milk Stout (Hoggetowne Ale Works recipe)

UK Pale Ale Malt
Black Patent Malt
US 80L Crystal Malt
Chocolate Malt 350L

Willamette hops

Liquid yeast (White Labs Burton Ale Yeast WLP 023) via 1.5 L starter and stir plate
Note: yeast started at about 2 pm the day prior to brewing

OG: 1.068 (estimated); 1.065 (measured)
FG: 1.022 (estimated); 1.022 (measured)
ABV: 6% (estimated); 5.6% (calculated)

Brewing Steps:
  • Heated 3.7 gallons of water to a strike temperature of approximately 167 degrees
    • 1.25 quarts/pound 
    • Used Sparge Pal app for volume calculations
  • Added grains to mash tun
  • Added water to mash tun by about 1/2 - 3/4 gallon at a time; poured last 1.5 gallons from brewpot straight into mash tun
  • After all water added mash temperature approximately 152 degrees 
    • Final temperature 151 degrees
  • After 60 minutes tried to lauter but flow out of mash tun was minimal (used manifold with protective braid)
    • Poured mash out, manifold was clogged and we couldn't unclog it
    • Went to Home Depot and bought 2 braids
    • Removed PEX tubing and connected both braids to the T

    • Very good flow afterwards
    • Manifold was "thrown into the river"
    • Delay was about 1 hour
  • Heated 5.3 gallons of sparge water to approximately 180 degrees and added to mash tun 
  • Let sit for 5 minutes, then lautered until we had about 6.5 gallons 

  • Added hops according to schedule
  • Chilled by putting pot into tub with ice and water (filled about 6-8 inches of tub with water) and wort chiller/pre-chiller to 75 degrees in about 6 minutes
  • Pitched yeast (whole 1.5 L bottle) and then aerated wort by transferring between brew pot and bucket 6 times
  • Poured into fermenting bucket 
  • Put bucket into fridge at 62 degrees (took 11 minutes post-boil)
  • Ferment about 21 days
    • Recommended schedule is to ferment for 3 weeks in primary
  • Opened fermentation fridge on 1/14/14 to dry hop the dry dock and saw that lid for fermentation bucket had burst off
  • Unclear if lid had been off for a few days or nearly two weeks. Gravity at that time was 1.022
  • Transferred into secondary at that time. Cold crashed on 1/18/14 (PM) to prep for kegging on 1/20/14
  • Should probably check the fridge more than once every 2 weeks to ensure the air lock does not get plugged up

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